The late 2010s saw the rise of the digital economy, one wherein being relatable was monetizable. With the internet and technology boom, came a plethora of opportunities to take the physical world as we know it and create a virtual avatar of it to learn, grow and exist in. What started off as an alternative to communication is now imperative to every aspect of our lives.
For professionals, the pressures associated with going digital have not been restricted to just the boardroom. Even before the pandemic had set in, the concept of ‘digital credibility’ has nudged all of us to change our outlook on life and work. Today, you are only as relevant as the internet thinks you are.
Perception = Reality
Young kids who once aspired to be astronauts or doctors, today, can also say influencers or digital marketers in the same breath. While on one hand, the world has unrecognizably changed, on the other hand, the magnitude of change awaiting us is beyond our imagination.
It hence goes without saying, that staying relevant in the digital universe is the name of the GAME.
The internet has given the power to create and be creative to everyone with a smartphone.
The internet has changed the perception of people and brands alike. We recognize people by their digital identity and clout. We network on the world wide web and have a tete-a-tete every now and then online as well. Brands, that we would recognize on large hoardings or ad jingles back in the days, are now seen on Instagram pop-ups or influencer collaborations.
It is interesting then, to observe and think of the many ways that individuals and brands have upped their game to earn their ‘digital credibility’ in the fast-moving world of digital marketing.
Here are some of the top brands who have used the power of the internet and swiftness of audience targeting to not just grow but to almost rebrand themselves online.
- Everybody’s beloved Pizza place, Dominos, was one of the first of its contemporaries to get onto digital-led business innovation. In the time period between 2015 to present, it has seen a 10% increase in its revenue growth solely due to its digital presence.
- Food Delivery App Zomato, which recently launched its IPO, is in fact one of the greatest success stories in the digital space. Apart from showing what good a consistent social media presence can do, they are also model examples for email campaigns. Zomato got one of their largest investors through an email campaign. Today, that entity owns 18% stake in Zomato. (insert pun)
- Zappos, a leader in online shoe commerce, sets the gold standard for online customer care and content marketing in the industry. The CEO of Zappos even wrote a book about how going digital revamped his business model. A worthy quote from it says – “Successful brands focus on what the customer wants and needs, not on what they want the customer to want or need.”
- AMEX or American Express, a household name in the credit card industry, was one of the first finance giants to understand the importance of an online community. Open Forum is a collaborative website by American Express where they invite guest authors from a variety of sectors to share their business knowledge and wisdom. By doing this, they have managed to gather their entire target audience under one digital roof.
- Mint is an online finance and lifestyle publication. Although the company was relatively unknown amongst its more popular predecessors, it committed to a digital strategy of publishing hundreds of high-quality content pieces which were free to access like informative blog posts and viral, attention-grabbing infographics to grow their business. Their CEO had once shared that Mint spends up to $30,000 on content and gives it away for free, and how it is all worth it in the end.
- The Ed-Tech platform Byju’s has almost completely obliterated its competition by its well thought out online strategy. They believe that the only way to reach every household is to become a household name. Much like Cred, Byju’s too invests an alarming percentage of their capital in their digital marketing advents. Standing at a 16.5 Billion valuation, the company relies almost solely on its digital campaigns for lead conversion.
- Not just companies, we know individuals too that have benefited heavily from marketing themselves like a brand online. Be it entrepreneurs and investors like Naval (Shah), Kunal Shah, Ankur Warikoo and the maverick Elon Musk or a plethora of artists and tech wizards, each of them has found a piece of the internet that they keep to themselves and continually grow from.
If these examples have shown us anything, it is that ‘digital credibility’ is an alternative form of currency. The likes, shares and connections you have on this platform are more monetizable now than ever. The influencer guidelines and privacy legality constantly evolve to keep this boom from becoming a blast that we cannot contain.
Another aspect of this entire game that we cannot ignore is personal branding. Staying in the loop on social media is easier said than done. Trends come and go faster than ever, as do consumer expectations. Those that fall behind rarely catch up. Don’t take the risk of irrelevance.
Staying relevant requires a little dedicated investment into personal branding as well. The key to which is CONSISTENCY. Choose Keywords Wisely, Publish Content Consistently, Target the Right Audiences, Embrace Different Platforms and Collaborate extensively.
The Digital Arena can empower your business and your personal brand to find relevance in an increasingly crowded market. Engage with the right communities online, contribute to the pool of resources, watch them strengthen and grow your brand in ways you alone never could.
As the old adage goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them!”
And when going digital… join them soon!!!
About the Author
Dharmesh Suryavanshi is also a digital and automation evangelist who has conceptualized and launched over 8 brands since 2017. With Purview Digital, his vision is to help business owners launch and grow their brands not just through social media but also by simplifying the customer journey while giving them a seamless digital experience.