

Challenges in our professional journey

There are so many challenges in our professional journeys that help us to learn, grow, and excel. Sometimes new project drives us to develop new skills. On the other end, getting out of your comfort zone and presenting a new idea gives you an edge to be a catalyst in advance.

However, there is one challenge that can seem undefeatable – a boss who is unsupportive!

Good bosses encourage creativity, trust, respect, aid personal growth and professional development. They create an open loop where great work is rewarded, and issues are tackled.

Bad bosses, on the other hand, can have any combination of unfavourable characteristics. Perhaps it is a boss with a condescending attitude, someone who micromanages everything, or one who fails to give any comment that could improve your performance.

Whereas unsupportive boss is different. They may reject your ideas without any explanation and block you from stepping into the right rooms. Even they go to the extent of putting you down for your new ideas, and later pitch the same to the management or even to you as the fruit of their own thinking. Working under an unsupportive boss can make it a challenge to go to work every day, ultimately stunting your professional growth if it goes on for long enough.

You can take actions to deal with boss who lacks the qualities of a strong and supportive leader. Here are some tips to deal with an unsupportive boss.

1. Self-reflection

Support and advocacy are not earned overnight. Take time to look around at your other teammates and colleagues.

Consider how you have communicated with your boss. Have you been open with them about your expectations or concerns? If you feel they are not being supportive of your work, have you asked for back-up in meetings? You should choose to be assertive and not be a victim of your situation.

2. Address it diplomatically

Open communication is key in any relationship, and the employee-boss relationship is no different. As you have concerns, try to express them calmly. Ask for a time to speak and frame the discussion as an opportunity to optimize your working relationship. In your conversation, be mindful to focus on future-oriented solutions, not past problems.

3. Stop searching for justification

If constantly putting forward great work does not change your boss’ attitude, stop doing it for approval. Instead, do it to create a personal brand for yourself. Building your skillset, getting new experiences, and interacting with new people will make you an asset to your organization and other potential employers if and when you choose to pursue other avenues.

4. Seek support from other senior leaders

Take time to look around your organization and even in your wider network and community. Find buddies who can share your values and help you reach your career goals.

Support can come from all sides at work. If you can, try to establish relationship with such people that have voice and influence. Beyond your direct supervisor, there could be plenty of executives and senior leaders who can guide you acquire the skills to succeed. Start raising your hand to take on challenging projects. Prove that you are worthy of more responsibility by completing your tasks well so that people around look up to you as a capable resource, which way your contribution testifies your capability, and not the people.

With the right attitude, you can turn this situation around. You can even make it a useful move for your personal and professional growth.

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