

Happiness Habits to Have

Happiness is a state of mind that has to be cultivated on a relentless basis. Like every other habit, or discipline, mastery of happiness habits involves patience and consistent efforts. 

How does one cultivate this habit, the ability to regain the state of happiness when the world around is all topsy turvy? How does one keep calm and composed when life itself is so unpredictable? Well, it goes without saying that it is not easy to maintain our inner composure under stress. But working on the self each day and learning to stay objective can be of great help. We have to constantly remind ourselves not to take every rejection, every acceptance, every applause personally. The concept of ‘nishkama karma’ can be of great use here. ‘Nishkama karma’, refers to the ability to put in the necessary efforts in a chosen field without being too attached to the results.  

We have to remind ourselves that nothing that happens to us is personal. People act according to their situations, their belief systems, their flaws or strengths, assumptions or superstitions, which may be valid to each person at a given point in time.  

We also have to learn to manage change in our lives. Everything around us is in a state of flux and is prone to change. This includes people, places, and situations. So, we just have to learn to manage change.  

It would be a waste of our time to find fault with others, the society, the country, and so on. ‘The mind is its place, and itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven’, said Lucifer in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, meaning of course that our state of mind is entirely our responsibility.  Our time can better be utilized to improve our knowledge, skills, and attitude.  

Well, the vagaries of living are many and sometimes our best efforts are doomed to failure. What do we do then? In such cases, it is good to remind ourselves that there are those whose lives are way more difficult than ours. One of the greatest thought leaders of the world, Mahatma Gandhi shared a talisman in which he asks us to recall the face of the poorest or weakest man or woman when we contemplate our life’s problems. Surely, this beautiful piece of advice can help us retain the equilibrium of the mind.  

A learner’s mindset is an attitude to life that is highly beneficial. A willing learner or sportsperson is always tuned to progress and does not let pitfalls dampen his enthusiasm for the sport. We are living in times when knowledge is accessible to us at ease. It will be a great investment of time and effort to take up some of the relevant courses to update our skillset.  

Spend time with nature. The Japanese concept of ‘Shinrin yoku’ or forest bathing has many medicinal properties of healing and regeneration. Spending time outdoors, breathing fresh air, and engaging in community work are ways to keep our minds fresh and active.   

Finally, we should nurture our passion. If you are a dancer, go dance your heart out. Let go of stagnant emotions, and breathe easy. If you are a singer spend time listening to good music, compose something, analyze good music do anything related to music to lift your mood.  

If you are a filmmaker who has not yet got the big break, watch movies, think about them, feel them, talk about them, cultivate friends who help you reach your goal and continuously build your skills. Your big day is coming. 

If you are a writer, waiting for that big break, that long vacation to fill your pages with your thoughts, in this age of ChatGPT, you do have value still, i.e. if you are original. So, don't be grumpy, spend time writing, a page a day is good to go. Simultaneously enroll in courses that teach you writing, read great works of literature, travel, talk to people, listen to their stories, and voila! your big day is on the anvil!!! 

If you are a student of science, know that there is a great need for sharp minds that solve the many developing world problems, India is beset with. Young business talents can similarly focus on designing innovative entrepreneurial solutions to make living easier.  

Life is all about utilizing our time and energy to the best that is possible, besides, there's always room for good work to be done and earn some good karmic points too!!! 

So, what are you waiting for? Get up and get going with your happiness habits!!! 

About the Author

Dr. Sreelekha has over 20 years of experience in the field of education. She majored in English Language and Literature after which she pursued PGCTE at English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She has a PhD in Environmental Communication. Currently, she is an Assistant professor, at the School of Business Management, NMIMS, Bengaluru. Her research interests pertain to studying the role of communication in various aspects. She pursues her interest in public speaking, theatre, creative writing, and teacher training. She blogs at  www.adhyapika.  A passionate writer, she is a published author of two books, An Azure World & Meenu, the Meemi. 

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