

Salesforce Students Journey India

In the next 3-4 years, there will be huge disruption in the IT industry; learning new technologies every day is mandatory to obtain the jobs of the future. Therefore, students those who stay relevant to the industry trends will have a huge career catch.

In another 10 years, students will learn independently and teachers will become the center point of information. In future, the technology will give opportunity for students to choose their own way of learning, combining theory and practice in apt ratio with respect to the market demand.

According to a report published by IDC (International Data Corporation), Salesforce, one of the largest CRM providers in the world, is projected to create 3.3 million new jobs by 2022.

Despite of lots of other technologies that exist in the market which give them job, learning Salesforce has become imperative, as two out of the top 10 jobs in the industry are with Salesforce Ecosystem. This is the first reason that 30% of the total developer population for Salesforce in the world comes from India. Therefore, 1.1 million jobs, which is 30% of 3.3 million jobs will come from India by 2022.

Moreover, platforms like Java, .NET, and Python available today take 6 months to come up with solutions for customers. Whereas, Salesforce platform to build customer solutions in 3-4 weeks. Salesforce focuses more on how one can transform wonderful ideas into reality. Salesforce Student Journey India

In this connection, Salesforce has come up with “Salesforce Student Journey India”, an exclusive program for pre-final and final year students run by Salesforce, in association with ICT Academy, to give them hands-on experience and knowledge in the Salesforce platform, eventually helping the students to earn their certification in Platform Developer I. The program was launched in July 2019 and will be run till December 2019. More than 6000 students from 100 colleges across India have registered for the Salesforce Student Journey India.

This 5-month learning journey is designed for legal residents of India. We use the power of our free learning platform — Trailhead — to teach you everything from the fundamentals of the Salesforce platform, to the automation, security, and coding, the platform provides. This student journey will enhance your degree with Salesforce skills and will enable you differentiate yourself in the job market. This journey will expose the learners to the knowledge and experience of our Trailblazer Community.

Hopefully, Tamil Nadu should become the skill destination for Salesforce and for the rest of the world, making most out of these 3.3 million jobs.

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