Every educational institution is of the opinion that as representatives of the academia, it is the need of the hour to understand the recruiter’s needs. The industry being volatile, the skill requirements keep on changing and it is essential to keep abreast of the needs. The conclave aided gathering some critical industry insights towards better employability of students. This track will feature HR leaders of some of the largest IT and engineering companies sharing an employer’s perspective on shaping young talent to meet industry expectations.
Obviously, creating a talent pool that is fit for recruitment is essential. On the other hand, industry is in the outlook for such talents that are with entrepreneurial abilities to take the business further. This scenario makes imperative the efforts to establish High Impact Placement that work together to produce such talent that is supple to take up a career in either of the options. This transformation shall be enhanced through wider industry-institute interactions that provide the right guidance periodically.
The 32nd edition of Bridge in Chennai had an exclusive workshop for Training and Placement Officers. The session was themed as “Understanding the Industry needs on the employability of students”. This session was to create a common platform to discuss the current issues and challenges faced by different colleges in terms of core skill development, network and job opportunity for students. Placement Heads, Placement Coordinators, Training and Placement Executives from various educational institutions attended this workshop to learn creating more industry-oriented job opportunities for students.
- Dr Murali Padmanabhan, Senior Vice President and India Head - Talent Management, Virtusa
- Vasudevan Rajagopalan, Head - Talent Acquisition (India), TCS
- Jayanthi Vaidyanathan, Director - Human Rersources, PayPal India
- V Chokkalingam, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Vee Technologies.