
Innovative Science Fictions – Beyond 2030

Innovative Science Fictions – Beyond 2030

I want to discuss some interesting ideas with all of you on which my company’s Innovation section is working. The first, is how we can give voice to our mute population in the vernacular medium? Yes, we can and it’s an innovation on which our patent application is going on. So, what’s our idea and what is all we learned through this idea? We started working on this idea in 2020 itself. We wanted to give all mutes a way to communicate. So, it was sketch based typing and text to speech platform.

How exactly it works?

Let’s take an example, we have a person who knows how to write in Bengali, but he is mute. So, on our platform he can sketch the words he wants to speak, our AI based system will check those letters and announce it as a word and eventually as a sentence which other person can listen and reply. Through this feature, the way of communication for mutes would be easy.

Even, our technology would make the work easy for two professionals who want to communicate but they don’t know any mutual language to communicate. What do you think how valuable this idea would be for mutes and for professionals who can’t communicate in a mutual language?

Write your ideas and suggestions to the editor of this magazine. The Second is ML powered social media platform which will make task of communication for shy people, easy. How?

So, Guys, have you thought what the new ways could be to connect with people socially in future. Instagram would also become obsolete in sometime, that’s sure. My idea of social interaction is based on face reading powered by machine learning. Let’s consider there is a networking event going on somewhere and you enter the event. You want to talk to some people there, but you are not able to, reason being you are too shy to talk to other people, you don’t know how to start the conversation. You can just hover around your phone camera by opening the app and you get some profile which match with face data available with us already. You got the profile? Now, you can send a connection request to them. If the person gets your profile interesting and got that you are in the same event (nearby) then he or she might accept your request and you can communicate and meet also. So, here we are not breaching someone’s privacy, but letting people connect with each other even if they are so shy.

Now, it’s not only for people who are just shy, it would be a very interesting way of socially connecting with people. I have given it a name also that is FACEAPP. Have you drowned into my world of innovations? Wanna know more about my ideas related to innovation and thought process? Don’t worry, you can easily be Co-founder with me for some of these ideas.

About the Author

Shailendra Kumar Mishra is the Founder of Designcut Group of Companies. He is collaborating with ATL laboratories set up by NITI Aayog and is mentoring for labs in Bhimtal and Panchkula. His talk show - "Samvaadam" interviews the riveting stories of young entrepreneurs. In order to assist the hindrances of engineers, he launched "The Engineer's Shop" application in 2019.

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