
Successful-transition-from-school-to-college–early planning

Successful transition from school to college – Early Planning

A student life enters a new phase with college, providing several prospects for both intellectual and personal development.

A successful transition from school to college requires early planning, setting realistic goals, creating a support system, learning how to manage time properly, participating in extracurricular activities, and placing a high priority on health and well-being.

Students must negotiate a few challenges with the assistance of a community of support to ensure an easy transition to college.

In my opinion, college-level coursework tends to be more diligent than high school courses, and students are expected to take more responsibility for their learning. Students need to develop good time management skills, learn to prioritize their work and use resources like academic guidance & tutoring.

Socializing is a major distinction in the move to college. Students must learn how to handle fresh friendships, relationships, and a sense of belonging. The utilization of smart gadgets is another major concern a student confronts through this transitional phase.

With instant access to information, increased connectivity with peers, the ability to streamline tasks, manage schedules, and stay organized, smart gadgets enable enhanced learning and elevate academic performance. Nevertheless, if not utilized properly, they may lead to distraction, addiction, health problems, threats to security, and privacy concerns.

As a counsel, I encourage students to establish a lifelong learning outlook and be future-ready. In today's fast-paced, constantly-changing world, being future-ready is crucial for remaining competitive, adaptive, and successful.

In this great transition time, one should never fall prey to the course choosing dilemma. The most important factor to overcome course choosing dilemma is to identify one’s interests and passions while also taking into account rising technologies, changing employment markets, expanding societal demands, and, most importantly, what subjects and activities the student enjoy the most. This will undoubtedly end the course selection quandary.

At this time, I wish the students who are making the transition from high school to colleges the best of fortune in their studies, as well as in having fun and creating experiences that will last a lifetime.

About the Author

T. J. Jeyakumar is the Secretary at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar.

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