

Creating Awareness on PoSH Act, 2013 - Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace for Woman

Simple steps to create awareness on PoSH Act, 2013 

  • Create an Anti-harassment policy (aligning with the service rules) 

  • Clearly define the protocol responding to sexual harassment 

  • Train your employees to prevent and report sexual harassment complaints. 

Step No 1: Create an Anti-harassment policy (aligning with the service rules) 

What is Anti - harassment Policy? 

An harassment policy aims to address and prevent the situations that violate dignity of a woman pertaining to single or repeated incidents of intimidation, humiliation, degradation, bullying, or other undesirable verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct toward one person or a group of people. 

Step No 2: Clearly define the protocol responding to sexual harassment 

  • Explain the prohibited conduct thoroughly. 

  • Take online/offline complaints into consideration. 

  • Investigate and document all the evidences. 

  • Ensure confidentiality. 

  • Be consistent in propagating the Anti-harassment Policy. 

  • Confirm the Policy is circulated and understood by the employees. 

  • Ensure the workplace culture and acceptance. 

Step No 3: Train your employees to prevent and report sexual harassment complaints: 

  • Gender sensitization Training workshops to understand and promote equality at workplace.  

  • The PoSH Act Prescribes to conduct periodical Training programs/Workshops to the workforce to create awareness. 

  • Capacity and Skill building workshop to the Internal Committee members to conduct the investigation without bias. 

  • Annual Training workshops to the work force helps the organization create a conducive work environment which reflects the credibility of the Organization. 

Encouraging the workforce to have discussion on Sexual Harassment, organizing a theater workshops will enhance the awareness on Sexual Harassment behavior and the importance of equality in the workplace.

Aboout the Author

Ms.RamaHaran, is a Certified PoSH Trainer & Consultant, and she is also an external Member of  Anna Univeristy, Madras School of Economics, Chennai and CLRI-Central Leather Research Institute.

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