

Rediscovering Your True Purpose

The seed of destiny: Each of us comes into this world to fulfil a specific purpose. This purpose lies deep within us, buried like a seed, and the awareness of its presence is known only to you, me, and anyone reading this column. Before we were sent to this planet, universal intelligence sowed this seed—containing the roadmap to a specific destination—in our souls to guide us on a journey from our arrival and birth to that marked destination. This phenomenon is similar to everyday life, where a boss or parent, in other words, a person of authority, assigns us a task and instructs us to accomplish it. 

Gifted but grounded:  In our early years after birth, we are constantly reminded of this seed by its presence within us. Assume a child is born with the intent to develop into a music composer. From a very young age, this child may demonstrate unusual musical skills—such as playing the guitar, piano, or drums—or even sing effortlessly without the help of a music teacher. Some parents encourage their child to pursue and develop this gift. On the other hand, many parents discourage their gifted child with statements like, “The guitar will not put food on the table; instead, focus on school lessons, homework, and scoring high marks. That will get you a decent job; music can come later.” Such adults ultimately stifle the seed, effectively killing the inborn talent by hindering its growth. While the child is distracted from the calling within to pursue what comes naturally, they are forced to follow a path dictated by parents, grandparents, and other adults in their family and school. As they grow older, they often do what the elders desired and instructed. Over time, they may feel frustrated and lost, realizing something is missing in their lives. This misalignment can affect their careers, relationships, thoughts, behaviour, and actions, leading to a sense of futility about their pursuits, which they never truly wanted in the first place. They may come to consider their lives wasted. Let me now narrate a true case study

The hidden struggle: A seemingly successful person—let’s call him Ben—came to me through the recommendation of someone I had coached and guided to achieve their desired goals.  

Ben was in his mid-forties, dressed well, and spoke articulately; yet, at first glance, I sensed that he was a very sad man despite appearing to have everything, including the Bentley limousine parked outside my gate. I was trying to figure out the purpose of his visit, as his initial conversation did not provide any clues. However, through careful questioning, his story emerged, and there were moments during his narration when his eyes gleamed with tears, revealing the true reason for his visit. 

A family divided: For generations, Ben’s father came from a family of mine owners and was the only son, just as Ben was.  

Ben’s mother came from a family of physicians and surgeons; her parents, grandparents, and brothers were all in the medical field. For some reason, she could not study medicine, having married young to Ben’s father. Since Ben was her only child, she was naturally eager for him to become a doctor and carry on the family tradition. However, Ben’s father disagreed, wanting him to be a mining engineer to take over the family business when the time came.  

The conflict between his parents continued for years and often became a topic of discussion at the dining table, leading to misunderstandings and unfinished dinners. 

The art of compromise: The pressure on Ben mounted when he completed high school and had to choose a course of study in college. With no option between his two compelling parents, and with teachers at school taking sides with either parent, Ben came up with an unusual idea. He pleaded with his mother for understanding and time while he enrolled in a Mining course to fulfil his father’s desire. A few years later, he completed the course, and his father threw a lavish party, inviting the people who mattered in their town, proudly announcing that his son would be joining him at work the next day. However, Ben had other plans. He enrolled in medical school and studied medicine for the next few years.  

He was thirty-one years old when he earned a degree in mining and another in medicine. 

A life divided: Thereafter, he divided his career as follows: he spent the mornings from eight a.m. to eleven a.m. at the clinic, then from twelve p.m. to five p.m. at the mining office, and again from six p.m. to nine p.m. at the clinic. He followed this routine five days a week for fifteen years, never taking a vacation. He was performing well in both fields. I interrupted him, asking, “Do you like what you do?” He looked at me strangely and replied, “No!”


Ben was now a broken man in spirit. He had everything money could buy, yet he felt that something was missing. Fortunately, he remembered what that something was. Ben could no longer endure his situation, especially after meeting one of my clients who recommended me for my reputation in guiding others through similar predicaments and helping them change their career paths. Eager to speak with me, he came for a consultation. “What would you want to do instead?” I asked. “Painting,” he replied promptly. To demonstrate his talent, Ben pulled out his iPad to show me a few exquisite landscape paintings he had created during his spare time on Sundays. It became clear why he had come to see me when he declared, “I wish to opt out of whatever my parents made me do to fulfil their selfish interests and engage in what I want to do.” 

Realizing his dream: During the subsequent sessions with me, Ben made a smooth transition to fulfilling his personal goal. He established himself as an exquisite painter, embracing the purpose for which he was born. 

What do you infer from this story?  

Rediscovering your purpose: We all have a seed planted within us that holds our true purpose. We need to dig deep into our memories to discover what this seed represents. Some of you may remember it, while many may have forgotten due to countless distractions from various people, leading them in multiple directions and nearly erasing the purpose of their lives. Therefore, it is not uncommon to encounter people who lack ambition or clarity about what they truly want.  

The best way to rediscover the intent of your existence is to ask yourself these questions repeatedly: 

i. What truly matters in your life? 

ii. What do you love to do? 

iii. What’s stopping you from doing it? 

iv. What options do you have to navigate around, through or over those obstacles? 

Unearthing hidden answers: The answers to these questions may not come to you immediately. It could take days or even weeks before they surface unexpectedly, as they lie hidden deep in the vaults of your memory, almost lost. Finding these answers is much more complex than simply recalling where you placed your keys, an important article, or a vital document. In this circumstance, it would be immensely helpful to keep a jot pad and pen by your bedside, as answers may pop into your mind at the most unlikely times. Just jot them down. 

The shift begins: Next focus on that which keeps coming to mind most frequently that could be the very thing that you are meant to do in life.  

The next crucial part is to take action - act to transit from what you are now to who and what you want to be? 

If you need help, just drop me a note. 

Ash Nan encourages you to reach out with any questions you may have about job interviews.  

He invites your suggestions on topics related to mastering job interviews that he would be happy to write about.  

Additionally, he is open to speaking at student or faculty gatherings on this important subject. 

If you like his articles, he keenly invites you to mention this in the comment box. 

Best Wishes, 

About the Author

As a multifaceted mentor, Certified Life and Career Coach, and Counsellor, Ash Nan serves as a guiding light for individuals of all ages, including children. With certified expertise in Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional & Thought Freedom techniques (EFT/TFT), & soon mastering Counselling, Ash nan empowers individuals to achieve exceptional success in their personal pursuits. As a certified Kundalini Yoga Third-Eye Practitioner, he skilfully blends ancient wisdom with modern strategies. Dedicated to supporting first-time job seekers, Ash created the transformative program "Finishing Touch," which has guided numerous students toward fulfilling careers. He is also the author of two insightful books, “Mirror your mega success image” and his latest, "Becoming Recruitable."  

To learn more about his work, visit: and 

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