

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and that of people around us. EI also plays a crucial role in our day-to-day interaction with people in all situations.

Emotional Intelligence according to Daniel Golman 

1. Self-Awareness

This involves recognizing your own emotions and understanding how they affect your thoughts and behavior. Self-aware individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses, which helps in personal growth.

2. Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is about managing your emotions in healthy ways. It includes controlling impulsive feelings and behaviors, maintaining emotional balance, and adapting to changes.

3. Motivation

This component refers to using your emotions to stay focused on goals. Emotionally intelligent people are generally motivated by intrinsic factors, such as personal growth and the desire to achieve.

4. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It allows you to build strong relationships, respond appropriately to the emotions of others, and foster a supportive environment.

5. Social Skills 

Strong social skills involve managing relationships and building networks. This includes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the ability to inspire and influence others.

The importance of EI affects all aspects of our life starting from relationships where we need to understand and communicate with others at work to bring higher output and at home to build better trust.

EI also helps leaders to make better decisions by being proactive and observing all 360 degree of the work that we are doing. 

Now that you know why it is important let's see a few methods to develop them. 

Improving Emotional Intelligence

1. Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly assess your behavior and personality. DISC Assessment, OCEAN model. 

2. Manage Stress: This has to be a separate article by itself. For now, just meditate and breathe slowly and long. 

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill that enhances our interactions and helps us succeed in life. By understanding and improving your EI, you can bond better with people, enhance your career, and lead a more fulfilling life. 

About the Author 

Thanga Bourna is a Virtual Relationship Manager at HDFC Bank, passionate about contemporary psychology and its applications in understanding human behavior and enhancing client relationships.

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