

How AI changed Future Education

ChatGPT, OpenAI's AI chatbot, has seen enormous development and popularity since it was made available to the world towards the end of 2022. Its place in teaching, nevertheless, is still up for debate. Although some think of it as an aid to improve education and minimise burdens on educators, other individuals regard it as a danger to authenticity that allows fraud and copying. When it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT is a watershed moment that educators can't afford to miss. Teachers need to have a serious debate regarding the opportunities, risks, and consequences for educational institutions and students because it will be game-changing. It will have an irrevocable impact on future generations. It's time for educators to start using this tool in the education system. 

The use of AI chatbots can assist learners in presenting their thoughts in a coherent and well-structured fashion, freeing up educators? to concentrate on the content of the learners' presentations. As a result, institutions could begin to emphasise deeper thought processes and fundamental problems. Additionally, there is significant promise for it to aid with informal evaluations since it may additionally encapsulate contention, expertise, and principles, particularly in circumstances when educators are running out of time. There has been a problem with overregulation, and everyone must be cognizant of the fact that colleges and universities must take precautions to safeguard the quality of their programmes. This is how certain institutions consider academic dishonesty if a learner uses ChatGPT to produce material. The credibility of educators and learners may be compromised if they refuse to adapt to the inevitable changes brought about by the widespread adoption of this technology. Over-regulating ChatGPT is going to increase the chasm, rendering the current organisational standing debate irrelevant. 

Instead of limiting ChatGPT's usage in the classroom, authorities responsible for learning in universities and colleges may ensure that its providers are held accountable for any inappropriate content they may post. In addition to helping children be protected on the Internet, authorities ought to think about ways to guarantee that schools additionally educate learners to be good, analytical readers of modern technology. Staff members should be encouraged to meet and share their experiences with using ChatGPT as part of a dispersed administration paradigm. A deeper understanding of technology exists among students than is sometimes given credit for. It's been suggested that utilising ChatGPT as an escape route in education might hurt learning. In educational settings, sophisticated chatbots have the potential to do a wide range of useful things, like increasing student engagement, imparting digital literacy skills, creating individualised syllabuses, relieving instructors of administrative burdens, and so on. In the months following ChatGPT's debut, teachers have reported a shift in classroom discourse. ChatGPT has the potential to help educators lessen their emphasis on grades. Instead of expecting learners to create and execute code like machines, allowing them to interact with AI and critically examine the work it creates might make education appear a bit more genuine. 

These new perspectives are indicative of a broader shift in the role of educators. The dissemination of knowledge, long limited to the classroom, is now happening through chatbots and online forums. Teachers' new roles include instructing students not just where to look for data but also how to evaluate its reliability. Educators are not only accessing knowledge but also facilitating it. They are using ChatGPT to have students create content on a subject, which will then receive a critique for errors. It has been argued that rather than relying on rote memory, teachers should encourage more active forms of learning such as creative writing, role-playing, and critical thinking. For example, ChatGPT can simulate an argument with an adversary by providing rebuttals to a learner's claims. Chatbots might aid learners in identifying areas of their individual thoughts that need improvement by providing them with a never-ending number of competing opinions. Since each learner has their own unique method of studying, it is beneficial to provide them with individualised course materials. In order to accommodate a diverse student body, educators may create numerous renditions of their lesson plans. With the help of AI chatbots, individualised lessons for 50 or 100 learners would become commonplace. Actually, a few educators believe that chatbots that have been taught in textbooks will become standard in books in the years to come.? 

ChatGPT has great promise for the development of cutting-edge language models in the years ahead. Despite its present shortcomings, ChatGPT has the potential to develop into a highly effective and advanced tool as natural language processing continues to progress. Several fields, such as customer service, teaching, therapy for mental illness, time management, and material production, stand to greatly benefit from ChatGPT. ChatGPT's natural language production and comprehension features can aid in enhancing productivity, precision, and results across the board. Nevertheless, as ChatGPT grows increasingly common, there are important ethical issues to keep in mind. There will be a growing need to evaluate the fairness and ethics of the current and future use of this technology. In the near term, there could be a great deal of room for the development of very domain-specific language models. Anticipate ChatGPT's usefulness and pervasiveness to increase across a variety of sectors and use cases as the software develops further. ChatGPT has an opportunity to fulfil a growing role in today's linked world because of its ability to facilitate intercultural interaction and the breakdown of linguistic obstacles. 

About the Author 

Dr Sukhpal Singh Gill is an Assistant Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK. Dr. Gill is serving as an Associate Editor in the IEEE IoT Journal, Elsevier IoT Journal, Wiley ETT Journal, and IET Networks Journal.

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