Business & Management


How to Define a problem using Six Sigma approach?

I am already competing in the Olympics of the company’s survival in a competitive global marketplace. It is a Global event; every country is fighting ...
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Let’s win Gold in Olympics

I am sure most of you will feel the same way as I did. A day later during a conversation with my brother, I asked, why did we win so less medals? Aren...
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Humor in Leadership

From childhood, women are conditioned to be calm, quiet, remain unnoticed, soft, etc. We are reminded very often with phrases like “You laughed really...
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Gig Economy: Is it the Future of Work?

If the above rant sounds familiar, remember you are not alone… what if there is an alternative! Have you heard of the Gig Economy??...
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The LHFTB Syndrome

It is found, based on Historical Data that many companies that fail, fail because of absence of Risk Management in their scheme of things and most com...
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Legal And Regulatory Considerations

Staying informed about changes in laws and regulations, seeking legal counsel when needed, and integrating compliance into business strategies are ess...
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AI and Startups

In the years to come, AI will continue to have a profound impact on the startup landscape. By streamlining operations and automating tasks, AI helps s...
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Market Trends and Industry Analysis

The need for entrepreneurs to follow market trends and conduct industry analysis cannot be overstated. It is a strategic imperative that empowers them...
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The Four Milestones of Organization Design

All organizations consist of four structures: Function, product, geography, and customer. These structures can be layered and interconnected to form v...
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3 different ways to achieve Financial Freedom

If at any point in life you miss the 50*30*20 ratio, that is when you lose your focus on achieving financial goals, and expenses will start over takin...
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Management Lessons 1:1 from the Art of Crocheting

Crocheting though it looks beautiful - is a very tedious, frustrating, tiresome, massive, time-consuming project. Yet oddly, it’s very satisfying that...
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An Atmanirbhar Economy

Being Atmanirbhar means taking advantage of foreign trade without being vulnerable to external economic or political shocks. It means that our economy...
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Managerial Skills defines a Good Leader

I often wonder if a company, especially a small, growing one, needs more managers or more leaders. Are these roles different? Sometimes, we seem to us...
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Challenges in our professional journey

Support can come from all sides at work. If you can, try to establish relationship with such people that have voice and influence. Beyond your direct ...
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6 Tax Saving Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

One of my friend’s fathers wanted to invest for saving tax but he wanted to invest only in E-E-E instrument. You will get exemption while investing, d...
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Digitalising your execution process

When you have your goals for the business and the lead measures clearly defined, you must translate them into an action plan that includes milestones,...
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5 Hottest AI Trends in Digital Marketing 2023

AI can be used to personalize marketing campaigns based on customer data and behavior. By sending targeted, personalized messages to customers, busine...
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Career Trap

While taking leaps and bounds, experts say as long as there be exposure, experience and knowledge addition on your growth path, growth will be growth ...
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Why Marketing needs Storytelling

Stories are literally what makes the world go around. In the marketing realm, it’s the CMO who must set the story on its axis by ensuring that storyte...
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Important Strategies of Neuromarketing

One of the easiest ways to know about customers and their behaviour is to apply neuromarketing strategies. With the help of this modern-day technology...
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The Bigger Question is about HOW?

Defining vision and goals is an important step, then understanding the "what"; however, the bigger question is how to implement it....
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10 Biggest Money Mantras To Keep In Mind

Asset is something which keeps growing on its own. When you buy your own home and if you are living in it, then it cannot be called as an asset as you...
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Supply-Chain-Analytics-for-MSME-Clusters-the conclusion

Supply Chain Analytics for MSME Clusters - The Conclusion

India has now emerged as the 3rd largest ecosystem and destination for startups, with the number of unicorns breaching the 100 marks. It is heartening...
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How to Identify an Inefficient Leader?

Those responsible for judging leadership candidates should improve their ability to distinguish between confidence and competence. At times, many comp...
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Laissez faire Leadership

Laissez-faire leadership aka delegative leadership is such a leadership style, in which group members allowed to make the decisions, and leaders are l...
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Why Recognition is Important to Employee?

Leaders are key drivers of company culture and strong examples of behaviour in the workplace. The CEOs who empower their teams through strategic recog...
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Supply Chain Analytics for MSME Clusters

ICT adoption and deployment across various processes and links in the supply chain has become a determinant of competitive advantage for enterprises. ...
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Bosses Undervalue their Best Employees

If companies fail to monitor and eliminate supervisor undermining, they will continue to lose their best employees. Consequently, they will have to sp...
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Darshan – The Vision

There’s nothing positive in being a talebearer to your boss or HR. However, make sure the boss is aware that you do the work, without naming the culpr...
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Favouritism at Workplace

Giving preferential treatment to certain employees for the personal reasons can create a toxic work environment. Moreover, it can result in lower moti...
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Moonlighting Superheroes

Recently, there have been mixed reports in the media that some companies consider it as either acceptable or they don’t mind their employees moonlight...
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Having a Compelling Scorecard

A real-time visual scoreboard showing how far you've come can help level the playing field. We must be precise about this. Visualizing data is not new...
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Map to Map Organization’s Management Practices

Managements are virtually struggling. Businesses are becoming tougher by the day. Organizations are finding it tough to organize themselves in the eve...
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Choose the Right Levers

You have multiple stakeholders with different needs, distinct preferences for reporting and analysis, and a very limited tolerance for downtime; all y...
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Brand, Culture and Mindset

Instead of getting stressed about change, we have to develop a growth mindset, which is ready to accept change, learn quickly and innovate to adapt to...
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How to create an ROI-driven content strategy roadmap?

Published content faces numerous challenges that range from algorithm updates to becoming outdated. Content strategists hence impart equal importance ...
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The Future of Ecommerce

E-commerce is about to bloom high number of changes because of technological and social factors. In this article, let us see about the future of e-com...
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ENGAGEMENT always counts!

ENGAGEMENT always counts!

Chemicals being injected into food stuff, apples being waxed to look more shiny, fertilizers messing up the entire food chain. Such news is prevalent ...
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Identifying a true Leader

Identifying a true Leader

A person who doesn’t know the work of every person in the team can’t be expected to supervise them....
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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing doesn't just involve celebrities. Instead, it revolves around influencers, takes the idea of celebrity endorsements, and places i...
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3 Personal Branding Tips for Everyone

3 Personal Branding Tips for Everyone

You're a brand, I'm a brand, we're all brands, so make yours a good one. Be honest and authentic about the 'you' that you present, and people will not...
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Inclusivity involves embracing people from all backgrounds and giving everyone an opportunity to be heard, and to participate....
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What, after Ideation? - Eighth in “The Micro Marketer” series....
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Can Leaders be a Roadblock for their Teams?

Can Leaders be a Roadblock for their Teams?

With times changing and teams going from local and physical to global and virtual, how does a new age leader demonstrate their humane side to their te...
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MSME – the real key to a sustainable economy and development

MSME – the real key to a sustainable economy and development

Interestingly, if the MSMEs are allowed to grow freely, they may soon attain the size and turnover, which qualifies them to get into a tax bracket....
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Seventh in “The Micro Marketer” series...
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Ways to say NO politely as a CEO

Ways to say NO politely as a CEO

Saying no is vital to both your success and the success of your organization — but that doesn’t make it any easier to do...
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Capital, Brands and IPOs

Capital, Brands and IPOs

With the quantum of Capital being pumped into Indian startups increasing exponentially, brand journeys have had to undergo radical transformations. Ge...
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The art of surfing the change waves for leaders

The art of surfing the change waves for leaders

It does not matter how small, you or your organization is, in comparison to the wave. It is your ability to ride the wave that will determine your suc...
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Small changes that you make in your life, reflects in your business and in the lives of your clients and prospects....
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Nature of Competition in Social Businesses

Nature of Competition in Social Businesses

Social businesses also face competition, but the competition comes in different shapes and forms, unlike the traditional market competition....
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3 Reasons why your growing business needs a CHRO Today

3 Reasons why your growing business needs a CHRO Today

CHRO's role also includes working towards creating an objective, fair and transparent organization by creating the right functional and behavior metri...
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Innovation and its relevance

Innovation and its relevance

Innovation is important for long-term survival and relevance, be it for organizations or for individuals....
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WE DON’T KNOW. TELL US - My Micromarket 4

WE DON’T KNOW. TELL US - My Micromarket 4

It is normal for us to put on a brave face and act as if we know it all. The reality remains that we do not. What happens when we tell our clients “We...
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Reinvent your investing wheel

Reinvent your investing wheel

In 2021, you need to fight inflation, Lifestyle changes/costs & biggest threat of life which is Retirement planning. If you save and invest NOW, it wi...
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People Insights

People Insights

In a traditional approach to employee engagement, organizations cast a wide net with their surveys. Rather than going in with a clear hypothesis and t...
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Micromarketing is a strategy where marketing efforts focus on a narrow set of target clients; all activities are defined by and for this set....
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The Employee Engagement Moment

The Employee Engagement Moment

Most importantly, employee engagement matters because people matter, and an organization is only as successful as its people....
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 Employer Branding for Small Businesses

Employer Branding for Small Businesses

Employer Value Proposition is fundamentally about assisting someone in comprehending why they should choose you and why they should continue to do so....
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Ajay has prioritized his clients. He knows what he wants. He knows what they want. He also knows whom he does not wish to have as his clientele!...
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Can Marketing create and deliver tangible Value?

Can Marketing create and deliver tangible Value?

Value can be delivered to customers in four ways – functional, monetary, social, and psychological value....
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Brand Authenticity and its Relevance Today

Brand Authenticity and its Relevance Today

Authenticity is closely tied to trustworthiness, it’s about transparent communication of what a business stands for, what it believes in and how the b...
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Dilemma of an Overwhelmed CXO

Dilemma of an Overwhelmed CXO

Remote work obviously leads to lower costs. But is it sustainable? Are there any alternatives that you need to think of?...
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In order to apply the Locard’s principle to marketing, we need to have our ears to the ground and observe with intent...
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Top 9 things that would Kill the Brand

Top 9 things that would Kill the Brand

Nike, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Coca-cola are oft-cited examples of brands that broke the rules and reached stardom. But the history of brands is fil...
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Of Marketing Strategy, Fads, and Consistency

Of Marketing Strategy, Fads, and Consistency

Marketers today seek validation from their fraternity and friends and for all the wrong reasons. It’s great to see friends and peers tagging your camp...
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Brand Building in the Post- Covid Digital Age

Brand Building in the Post- Covid Digital Age

With the ‘global reset’ of all forms of business operations and lifestyles, (due to the outbreak of the Covid -19 pandemic in March 2020) the need to ...
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Building Remote Leadership

Building Remote Leadership

Effective remote-leadership does not necessarily mean more work; it is just a different way of working....
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The Four-Day Work Week: Boon or Bane?

The Four-Day Work Week: Boon or Bane?

The 4-day work week can be beneficial, both operationally and financially, for companies and employees, provided that the spirit of the proposed polic...
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Purpose Driven Leadership Filtered

Purpose Driven Leadership Filtered

Leaders with purpose know how to define and direct activity to ensure organizational, follower, and personal success....
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Reshaping the Organization

Reshaping the Organization

How much should be the regular workforce, and what percentage should be contractors? There is no magic figure that we can give as an answer to this qu...
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5 Team Retention Reinforcers

5 Team Retention Reinforcers

Without exceptional leadership, your company is destined to have high employee turnover and diminishing profitability over the next decade....
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Recession Resistance

Recession Resistance

If you want to maximize the profitability of your bull market run, you will need to keep your "Dream Team" well beyond the recession....
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The Real Agents of Transformation

The Real Agents of Transformation

The rampant spread of COVID-19 ensured that physical office locations were no longer accessible for many people. Enterprises hustled to find the most ...
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The Extra Leader Avatar

The Extra Leader Avatar

The future is already here. We have fast-tracked digital transformation into a time-lapse. What would have been achieved in 5 years is happening today...
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Scheduling Reduces Oscillation

Scheduling Reduces Oscillation

Often the team members work overtime on the tasks, but the same may not be reflecting in the timesheet also the vice versa. Hence, the monitoring tool...
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Fear has downsized and completely restructured the pattern of consumption, where the consumer satisfaction has been converted to consumer protection....
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Digital Pillars for Digital Future

The digital future of an enterprise will have to be addressed with the integration of emerging technologies. It needs to handle four key pillars on wh...
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Weddings’ Homecoming Post-COVID

As far as wedding services is concerned, we launched a new service “HomeWeddings” that helps organise weddings at customers’ homes for 50 guests, whil...
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Marketing Automation for your Business

Marketing automation reduces your marketing and sales teams' time spent on repetitive tasks, you free up valuable time they can invest on other revenu...
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The Fund-Raise Conundrum

Roughly 90% of companies that reach out to investors aren't the right fit or at the right stage or just don't come under the mandate of the investment...
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Pandemic and Operations Management Challenges

Imagine a servicescape of a hotel, restaurant, retail store, or even a dispensary! How would you manage social distancing and ensure law-abiding pract...
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Follower-shift - A Leader’s Perspective

The current business landscape is a great leveller. It is unpredictable, volatile, ambiguous, and is filled with novel situations in unforeseen circum...
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The Gig Jugglers

With the growth in technology and the surfacing of Artificial Intelligence in work environments, the gig work models will continue to adapt, innovate ...
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Unlocking Business

If we observe the past, there have been pandemics, recessions, and economic slowdown. Yet many businesses managed to navigate through these challengin...
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Unicorn Tech Startups – 2020

The value of unicorns is generally based on how investors and venture capitalists feel they will grow and develop, so it all comes down to longer-term...
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Amazons spreading wings

Jeff Bezos once famously said, “Your margin is my opportunity.” Today, Amazon is finding opportunities in industries that would have been unthinkable ...
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The Business Dictionary defines it as the “emotional connection an employee feels toward his or her...
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Marketing impacts

Technology is changing by the moment, so is marketing. In a continually connected world, many disruptive...
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Is it OK to hire friends at work?

Americans (in the workplace) were willing to overlook the personal connection if the new employee was found to be qualified for the position. Whereas,...
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The Importance of Business Philosophy

In an era that encourages entrepreneurship, values,culture, and philosophy of business enterprises need focus in the first place, as these are the key...
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15 Terms to Understand Budget

ICT Dialogue is a new initiative by ICT Academy through which we engage with people of expertise from...
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Does Business Get What It Needs From Business Schools?

Business schools have long since been the centre of learning the essential skills and expertise in the field of business and management. The theoretic...
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Queueless Shopping

Indoors! That’s where most of the early adopter smartphone lugging humans spend their time today. Most retail outlets are indoors too. So, can a retai...
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The e-tail Tussle

Over the past few weeks, there has been a great deal of hype and hoopla surrounding e-commerce in the Indian market. News of national e-tailer giant F...
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India has witnessed a phenomenal technological shift in the e-commerce industry over the past decade. The urban Indianpopulation has adopted Internet ...
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Wedding with the Business

choose a profession that you like and you'll not be working anymore, what you would do is you will progress purely by passion and not by pressure....
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B-School is not a factory

Today, business schools are put in the necessity to raiseBusiness Analysts, policy makers, CEO's rather than a worker, employer or a marketing guy...
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HRs New Avtar – Competency Custodian

Building a Role Competency ArchitectureIn this role HR has to build a RoleCompetency Architecture with the followingelements....
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Introduction to PMBOK

A Guide to the Project Management Body ofKnowledge® (PMBOK® Guide)" had been released byProject Management Institute (PMI®) by December2012...
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Organizational Structure

The organizational culture of an entity will have a directinfluence on the success of a project. Organizations havetheir own styles and cultures that ...
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"A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a uniqueproduct, service, or result"...
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The Fact about Leadership

Numerous leadership and mentoring programshave been developed since the birth of modernmanagement and reputed business schools have come upwith exclus...
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Building Successful Brands

Learning from domestic markets,brands are able to penetrate new markets much better.Global brands like Nike, Coca Cola etc....
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